站长大人,刚才我仿真了一下,发现对于微带线来说,不管微带线多长,电压和电流差180度,这样各个端口的功率相位总是一样得,那hfss的edit source里的port,模的单位是瓦,也就是按功率设置得吧?后面的相位该怎么设置啊?
我计算得到得是电压的大小和相位,所以在edit source里就犯难了啊
Note that in the modal case a unit stimulation means 1 Watt of incident power at the port; in the terminal case a unit stimulation means 1 volt of total voltage at the terminal. After converting the voltage stimulation to the equivalent power stimulation the antenna results agree perfectly. In particular, the "ratioed" antenna parameters such as gain, directivity, and efficiency agree between the modal and terminal projects, while absolute antenna quantities such as incident power, accepted power may initially appear different. This is a direct result of the difference in edit-sources stimulations in the two types of projects.
2. Select the source whose magnitude and phase you want to scale.
If your solution type is driven terminal, a voltage source magnitude and phase may be set for the selected terminal.
3. In the Scaling Factor text box, enter the factor by which the value of the source is to be scaled. Design variables can be used as source scalings.
You may not enter a negative voltage. To obtain the equivalent of a negative magnitude, add or subtract 180 degrees from the phase value.
If you use a design variable as a scaling factor note that solutions are invalidated if the variable is changed.
If the model contains symmetry planes, the Edit Sources dialog alerts you that you may need to adjust the scaling factor accordingly.
At least one source should be excited (non-zero). If you set all sources to zero, you will receive a warning, but the values do go through.
4. In the Offset Phase text box, enter the new phase for the source.
The phase of the source is changed by the value that you enter.