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求救 HFSS对称面的设置问题

录入:mweda    点击:
看了help也没弄明白对称面是如何设置的,没明白help上的 a plane of symmetry must be exposed to the background是什么意思。帮我看看哈,模型在附件里,总是提示下面的错误。谁有设置对称面的例子啊,给我传一份吧,我学习学习。QQ 181895054
monopole_ENG (E:/0000menglong/hfss/HFSS_work_model/)
[warning] The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'Sym1, Sym2' .This may produce an incorrect result. (10:24 上午六月 12, 2009)
[error] Port 'WavePort1': Both endpoints of port lines must lie on the port. (10:24 上午六月 12, 2009)
[warning] The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'Sym1, Sym2' .This may produce an incorrect result. (10:25 上午六月 12, 2009)
[warning] The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'Sym1, Sym2' .This may produce an incorrect result. (10:25 上午六月 12, 2009)
[warning] The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'Sym1, Sym2' .This may produce an incorrect result. (10:27 上午六月 12, 2009)




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