=700) window.open("down/20141220012830970.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis of bandpass coupling matrix

=700) window.open("down/20141220012831838.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis of bandstop coupling matrix
The bandpass and bandstop filter synthesis wizard allows a fast synthesis of the coupling matrix for a bandpass or bandstop filter with generalized Chebyshev response and required specification (filter order, return loss level, defined pure-imaginary transmission or complex transmission zeros and filter topology). The resulting coupling matrix is an excellent starting point for a filter design. The Filter Wizard uses a unique technique for coupling matrix synthesis, which is capable to find the couplings for various non-standard, unique topologies including several load(source)-resonator and direct load-source couplings.

=700) window.open("down/20141220012833748.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" >
Wicomm is the Center of Excellence for Wireless Communications Engineering. The center is headed by Prof. Michal Mrozowski, Professor of Electronics at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland.The focus of the research is on computational electromagnetics and photonics and CAD of passive microwave structures - especially on filters. The filter design algorithm based on rational models has won the best paper award at the internatica conference in 2002.

=700) window.open("down/20141220012834705.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis for narrowband combline filters

=700) window.open("down/20141220012835207.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis for broadband combline filters

=700) window.open("down/20141220012830970.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis of bandpass coupling matrix

=700) window.open("down/20141220012831838.jpg');" style="max-width:700px;max-height:700px;" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > Synthesis of bandstop coupling matrix Filter synthesis tools developed by our cooperation partner the Wicomm team.
听说波兰 有个大师在搞滤波器的自动调试,试图让滤波器的自动调试产业化。不知道是不是 这位大师呢?
没发现有啥高深之处么 请指点
Mwave7.0 就有这个功能