[error] Acis error: "Fail to create Polyline. Possible reason(s): a). curves in the list are not connected, or b). there is a closed curve in the list. Please check the curve list. Acis Error 45027 - null pointer to edge given " (8:42 下午 四月 22, 2010)
[error] Body could not be created for part Cylinder1 because of invalid parameters of this part or some of its parent part/coordinate system. (8:42 下午 四月 22, 2010)
[error] Acis error: "api_check_entity failed for part: Cylinder1" (8:42 下午 四月 22, 2010)
[error] Null body found for part Cylinder1. (8:42 下午 四月 22, 2010)
Project6.rar (9 K)