HFSS完全新手, 我要仿一个低通微带滤波器,模型如上,在HFSS上运行后出现错误,错误提示如下:
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d : Error while opening or writing the mesh files. (3:16 下午 五月 28, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:16 下午 五月 28, 2009)
[error] Mesh generation has failed. Specific details may be found in 3D Modeler>Model Analysis>Show Analysis Dialog>Last Simulation Mesh. (3:17 下午 五月 28, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:17 下午 五月 28, 2009)
大虾们帮帮我吧,可怜的我时间不多了 感激不尽啊